This week our talk is heavier than usual. George Floyd’s death at the hands of police officers has once again brought our national attention to the injustice that marginalized people of color face at the hands of our society and
Distance Church 5/24/2020
Find this week’s talk in the audio bar below, and below that four psalms written by members of our community! Feel free to send in a psalm you’ve written if you haven’t yet. Bless you all. Judy Farrah I will
Distance Church 5/17/20
Hello Everyone! It’s a little bit of a mishmash this week, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Below you’ll find this week’s recording and also three psalms authored by folks from our community. I invite you
Distance Church 5/10/20
This week we have homework! So listen to the audio, follow the instructions, write a Psalm, and send it to me. Grab a piece of paper and write: Four lines of gratitude, leave a space and…’ Write 2-4 lines of
Distance Church 5/3/2020
Here is the recording of the sermon for the week. I love you all. Truly. Deeply. Overwhelmingly so. Here is a worship song I’ve been listening to this week. Give it a listen if you’d like. 🙂