Hi Folks, This week Rob Ambrose is sharing a message with us. His question for everyone is: “What have you found most helpful to love people from your heart? Let Rob know at robaambrose@gmail.com” He also wanted this video clip
Distance Church 10/11/20
Our message for this week from James 1:12-15. On first reading it seems a little painful but a closer look reminds us that God is leading us into lives of abundance where the love of God is the source of
Distance Church October 4th, 2020
Hi friends. We are looking at James 1:9-11 this week. We also read from Matthew 19: 16-30 and Matthew 6: 25-34. Here are the questions that correspond to the sermon: What do I depend on/invest in that is not moving
Distance Church 9/27/20
Here is our second talk on the book of James. Be sure to be reading James as you find time and perhaps read Proverbs as well, since they are both wisdom books. Reflective questions this week: How has God been
Distance Church 9/19/20
This is our first week in the book of James. You are encouraged to read James for yourself as we begin our study. Here is this week’s talk: Questions for reflection: What does it mean to be a slave of
Distance Church September 13th, 2020
Questions for Reflection: What does it look like for us to wait quietly before God in this time? What might it look like for God to be our refuge and hope? How do we hold our things and homes loosely,
Distance Church 9/6/2020
Hi Friends! Here are the questions for this week. Love to you all. Corndogs for Peace. How can I facilitate community daily in an unconventional way? Am I showing up for others who are doing this work in order to
Distance Church 8/30/20
I hope that you find reflecting and asking questions of today’s passage is encouraging. We live in difficult but important times and the love of God is our most valuable resource in all things. Questions for reflection: (Please feel free
Distance Church 8/16/20
Here is this week’s talk. I hope you enjoy meditating on God as the most vulnerable being. Thanks to Dr. Randy Woodley for that insight. Questions for reflection: How can I bring vulnerability into my life? How might vulnerability help
Distance Church 8/9/20
This week’s reflection comes from 1 Samuel. I must admit that I have been loving reading through some Old Testament stories. I highly recommend it. Here is this week’s talk: Questions to reflect upon: How can I practice love toward