John Friedrick 5/5/2019 Church and the Environment
Church as the Body of Christ
Emily Neves
Emily shared with us on August 26th.
New Sight and Taking Time
The parable of the workers
Where does value come from? Is it something that we earn?
A New Heart: The Importance of Vulnerability
Unfortunately we were not able to post the other parts of this series, we apologize for that.
Does money rule your life? Do you want to be free?
Transfiguration pt. 2
This is the second part of our discussion of the Transfiguration. In this talk we recap the previous week’s discussion and look at Jesus’ claim that he fulfilled the promises given to Israel by the prophets, among other things.
Transfiguration pt. 1
This is the first part of our discussion of the Transfiguration. In this talk we consider the two figures who appear with Jesus, Moses and Elijah. We talk about the purpose of the law given to Israel through Moses and