Breck and Cathy spoke about ordination in general and specifically about John Friedrick’s ordination.
Johanna Chase
The incredibly talented musician and genuine person, Johanna Chase shared with us about patience before leading us in a taize style worship set. You can keep up with her here: and, of course, on social media.
Breck Wilson 12/10/17
John Pattison on Gratitude
This is the second talk on the relationship between the Jesus follower and the violence, large and small, in our lives.
This is the first of two talks on the relationship between followers of Jesus and violence.
Bad at Evangelism/The Living Gospel
John Friedrick shared with us about the importance of a lived gospel, one that honors everyone involved.
Tony Kriz
We had a special guest speaker on Sunday the 17th. While Breck and John were in a daze from working the corndog booth at Oktoberfest all weekend Tony Kriz shared this message with our church.
David and Jill
Our friends David and Jill shared about prayer and encouraged us to spend 24 hours tag-team praying in a room they had set up in our building. It was an encouraging and uniting time with a family who we treasure