This week we are talking about Jesus’s baptism. This is the next section in the book of Matthew, which for those that are new, we will be going through. This is Matthew 3:13-17. Some questions for reflection this week are:
Church 4/25/2021
Church 4/18/21
This week’s talk is a bit different, its an introduction to some of the historical context of Matthew as we begin our study of this book. Please read the book of Matthew this week in preparation for our on-going study.
Church 4/10/21
We’ll be starting Matthew next week, for this week please reflect on how Christ meets Thomas where he is. Can we allow each other to experience grief and joy at our own pace, trusting that Christ will arrive in each
Church 4/4/21- Happy Easter!
Where do I go or what do I do to feel alive? In what areas of my life am I needing to experience resurrection? What things is God calling me into in order to experience life more fully?
Church 3/28/21
This week’s sermon can be summed up in the questions: Who do I think Jesus is? Do I let Jesus be bigger and different than I expect in my life and in the world?
Church 3/14/21
What do you think about this story? What might Jesus be saying? Does Oak St inadvertently charge a tax or ransom to anyone in our community? Do we live out of our freedom as children of God or do we
Church 3/7/2021
Reflect on a time when you experienced disappointment/anger/sadness that God did not answer your prayers in the way you wanted. How did God redeem that situation? How did that experience impact your relationship with God? Reflect on a time when
Church 2/28/21
I think we’ve all learned more patience this last year than we expected. What has patience taught us? Do you usually think of patience as passive or active? How might active patience help us subvert and replace the greed and
Church 2/21/21
Let’s talk about money! I hope that our take away from this talk is a desire to see the way God sees and that we feel permission to be honest about the injustice we see as we build the kingdom