When I’m focused on my plans for the future or the task at hand, is it difficult for me to be present with the people around me? What does it mean for my life to be fragile and short? What
Church 1/31/21
Here is this week’s talk. I invite you to ask yourself what you do when you come across a passage of scripture that is emotionally challenging to you. Where do you think God is in those times? Regarding today’s passage:
Church 1/24/21
I hope you take the time to try and understand this passage! It really is pretty complex. Sorry the message ends abruptly, I went on a little rant and thought better of it haha. How can you apply this passage
Church 1/17/21
Here is this week’s talk: As promised here are some links to the song I opened with if you also enjoyed that song and want to hear some beautiful versions: https://sethmartinandthemenders.bandcamp.com/track/climbing-high-mountains https://samamidon.bandcamp.com/track/climbing-high-mountains Questions for reflection: In what areas of your
Church 1/10/21
How embarrassing I said 2020 instead of 2021. Whoops. What are the needs of my enemies? Can I be honest and compassionate at the same time? How do I plan to question my own motives while also inviting others to
Church 1/2/21
Happy New Year! Who is someone you admire for their active faith? How can you tell that they are people of faith? Who is someone you think you’re better than and what might they have to teach you about faith?
Church 12/27/20
I hope you had a beautiful holiday! Here is this week’s talk: For Contemplation and Reflection: How is God speaking to you in this time? How are you being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit in this time?
Christmas Church 12/20/20
O Holy Night O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,It is the night of our dear Saviour’s birth.Long lay the world in sin and error pining,Till He appear’d and the soul felt its worth.A thrill of hope, the weary
Christmas Church 12/13/20
What are you waiting on God for? How does that waiting feel? When you feel hopeless are you comfortable trusting in God? What are you celebrating? Will you welcome others to celebrate with you? When another person in our community
Christmas Church 12/6/20
In this season of Advent: Where is our hoped for delivery? Will God keep His promises? Has this year led you to lean on God? To look for the Holy Spirit at work? Do you hurt with the suffering? Do